Thursday, July 14, 2016

Communicating on Paper

The basics of business writing
Writing Serves 1 of 3 Basic Purposes:

  • To Persuade
  • To Inform
  • Audience
  • Purpose
  • Occasion
  • Significance
  • Clarity
  • Unity
  • Economy
  • Acceptable Usage 
Writing Involves Creative Thinking
  • Preparation:  doing your homework, gathering data, thinking about the general nature of the problem.
  • Incubation:  letting the problem simmer, moving on to other issues, permitting the subconscious to work.
  • Illumination & Execution:  arriving at a solution, putting words on paper, putting the solution into action.
  • Verification:  testing the solution to see if it works. 
Business Writing Should Consider Four Key Issues:
  • Audience
  •  Purpose
  •  Message
  •  Persona 
To Help Define Your Persona:
  • Do your research.
  • Show that you are aware of the other side(s) of the question.
  • Don’t overstate your case.
  • Don’t oversimplify
  • Show confidence. 
As You Address Your Audience:
  •  Don’t bore your readers
  •  Don’t waste their time
  •  Don’t confuse your readers.
  •  Don’t intimidate your readers.
  •  Don’t threaten your readers.
  •  Don’t disappoint your readers.
  •  Always assume your audience is intelligent but uninformed.
  •  Be sure that you’re not writing for yourself.
As You Prepare Your Message:
  •   Don’t muddy your message with multiple appeals.  Keep it simple.
  •   Don’t confuse your audience with more than one central message.
  •   Make all of your evidence support your one, primary contention. 
As You Prepare Your Message:
  • Make all of your illustrations and examples relevant.
  • Make sure you can express your idea in one thesis sentence and your principal arguments on one piece of paper
  • Do all that you can to make it easy for your audience to “buy into” your message. 

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